Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary 4 - Essay Example It goes without saying that the story of the life and deeds of this great man are now intermingled with numerous mysteries and myths. Thus, it is still unknown when St. Benedict was born, though â€Å"tradition teaches† that he was born in 480 and died in 547.1 According to Gregory the Great, who was St. Benedict’s biographer, the saint lived from 480 up to 543.2 St. Benedict was born in â€Å"the province of Nursia of honourable parentage and sent to Rome to study the liberal sciences†.3 However, at the age of fourteen Benedict abandons the school and starts his glorious way of a virtuous man and spiritual shepherd.4 He starts living in solitude in one of the caves of the mountains not far from Rome. Soon he starts living in monasteries where he inspires other monks (and other people) by his virtues. Admittedly, the life in monasteries was the necessary background for the creation of his code of rules. It is noteworthy that he could read Latin which made it poss ible for him to get acquainted with works of Cassian and other prominent monastic writings.5 At this point it is necessary to point out that in his biography Gregory the Great also mentions numerous miracles worked by St. Benedict. Of course, this cannot be regarded as facts from the saint’s biography. ... d and God has not abandoned his people; he continues to bless them with holy persons†.6 It goes without saying that Benedict did lead a virtuous life and made a lot of rightful things to become such a symbol for millions of people. He established 12 monasteries and never stopped teaching monks and other people to live rightfully. However, the major work of St. Benedict is his Rule which he, presumably, wrote in Monte Cassino.7 The Rule contains the major guideline for monasticism which â€Å"was and is still used in many monasteries and convents† worldwide.8 The reason why the Rule has become the guideline for millions is quite simple. The principles articulated by St. Benedict were simple and rightful. The Rule is properly structured and is written in a form of preaching, or rather exhortation. In the first place, Benedict reveals the aims he is eager to achieve in his Rule. In the Prologue he states that only obedience and rightful work can bring monks to their Holy Fa ther. In the Prologue Benedict calls monks for changes: â€Å"It is now the hour for us to rise from sleep†.9 Thus, St. Benedict claims that there is a need to change some wrongful ways and turn to God. It is important to note that in his Rule Benedict points out some misdeeds. For instance, he warns abbots of â€Å"more care for fleeting, worldly things†.10 The major reason why Benedict’s Rule has been accepted in the entire western world is that it promulgated basic principles of Christianity. The Rule shows the way to make Christian monasticism rightful. Notably, St. Benedict pays much attention to the role of the Abbot. In fact, St. Benedict depicts the â€Å"rightful† Abbot, who is patient, reasonable, and virtuous. According to Benedict the rightful Abbot should inspire his disciples by his deeds,

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