Friday, October 4, 2019

Compare Othello and Batman Dark Knight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compare Othello and Batman Dark Knight - Essay Example As Shakespeare put it in his novel â€Å"†¦. â€Å" ancient; a man he is of honesty and trust. To this conveyance I assign my wife†. (Shakespeare) However, Othello is no God. He is composed of his imperfections and his vulnerabilities. He becomes a victim of these vulnerabilities eventually. Batman on the other hand is someone who is strongly righteous. He cannot be out-smarted and he will stand up for justice no matter what. He doesn’t care if people around him like it or not. He follows his heart even when he is condemned. Othello begins showing how easily he can be manipulated and maneuvered when the character of Iago comes to the fore in the play. This is when the reader is enlightened with Othello’s ability to over-trust and his naivetà © as he places complete faith in Iago. Othello is blinded by his faith in Iago. This shows how a tragic hero’s flaw is not a defect in his character but it is the over-presence of virtue in his nature. Othello’s perilous virtue takes shape of his immense trust in Iago-the same trust that brought his tragic fall. Batman on the other hand on other hand has aims and aspirations of the future. He wants to return Gotham, the glory and power it once commanded. This is the essence of his character. He turns into batman to help the city which was be-it all for him. Batman does not have any confides in the movie except for Alfred and Gordon. He is reserved and he does not believe in over-trusting people. It is just that these two characters are the only back-up support that Batman has. However, he is head strong and does not give in to the vulnerabilities of a situation. Alfred is trust worthy and he is always there to help him. This is also Batman knows who he can trust and who he cannot afford to trust. Othello was so blinded by his faith in Iago, he lost his rationale to think and see logically- a price he had to pay in the end when he realizes how badly he has wronged Desdemona. In one of his last

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